The Practical Fundamentals of Universal Creativity
  PART   XII   105  
The Organ of Speech

The or­gan of speech is our natu­ral tool for struc­tur­ing speech.
Our breath­ing or­gan is sub­stan­tially the means for the gen­era­tion of speech. The struc­tural po­ten­tial latent within our in­ner breath finds its ex­pres­sion in the form of our speech.
Only few peo­ple think about with what they ac­tu­ally speak, and even fewer are con­cerned with per­fec­tioning their ar­ticu­la­tion and the or­gans in­volved.

The Latent Structural Potential of Our Inner Breath
From this dull­ness springs the mass of verbal mis­un­der­stand­ings like a huge flood from a lit­tle-known source.

Creation of Speech
First of all, the speaker ar­ticu­lates that which he is going to speak, within him­self.
We say: “He thinks the spo­ken word as a thought,” and we refer mainly to the mean­ing of the word – as we have al­ways done – but not to the many other very lively at­trib­utes that the word, which he is think­ing, also has.

The Actual Potential of Speech
At this point a small ex­plana­tory ex­cur­sion into the ac­tual po­ten­tial of speech is rec­om­mended:
What char­ac­ter­izes our dream is the world of our think­ing – the po­ten­tial of our thoughts. The thought pro­duces what we dream. But how then do we dream?

The Dimension of the Thought Word
While dream­ing we see the ob­ject of dream, for ex­ample, a strawberry. When we smell at this strawberry in the dream we ex­peri­ence the typi­cal smell of strawberry. And if, in the dream, we bite into it, again, we taste the strawberry. And what we are hold­ing with our own hand to bite into, what we touch with our fin­gers, is again the strawberry. And the per­son who gave us the strawberry in our dream did so with a very friendly gesture.

The Diversity of Sensory Perception
The per­son with its friendly at­ti­tude, as well as our hand that re­ceived the strawberry in our dream, were but as­pects of the one thought of the strawberry modified in a com­plex man­ner.

The Mechanics of the Mind in Function
Due to the me­chan­ics of his mind man can think only one thought at a time, and so it is ob­vi­ous that this one thought of the strawberry con­tained, fully vivid and per­ceiv­able by all our senses, all the at­trib­utes of the dream we de­scribed and, more­over, it was also able to ap­peal to our feel­ing as well as to our un­der­stand­ing.

The Thought at the Basis of the Spoken Word
In the same man­ner, eve­ry thought un­derly­ing a spo­ken word is full of mean­ing; and as we all know from our own ex­peri­ence of dream­ing, a dream is gen­er­ally much more lively than any word we sim­ply think.
In the wak­ing state of con­scious­ness, a word ap­pears in its life­lessness on the screen of our ex­peri­ence so vaguely only be­cause we are greatly re­stricted in our in­ner world of ex­peri­ence when per­ceiv­ing out­wardly.

The Potential of Experience when Thinking a Word
And still we may some­times dur­ing the day ex­peri­ence the thought of a spo­ken word in the com­plete­ness and live­li­ness we just de­scribed, and we may even be able to com­mu­ni­cate this ex­peri­ence di­rectly and com­pletely through our spo­ken word.

The Miracle of “Revelation”
Most proba­bly, the ex­peri­ence of such a vivid trans­mis­sion of in­for­ma­tion would, at first, be re­garded as a “reve­la­tion,” since such an un­ex­pected ex­peri­ence, vivid as it is, would appear like a mira­cle to to­day’s man.

Localizing the Origin of Speech
Ap­proxi­mately where the lar­ynx is lo­cated, the spo­ken word also origi­nates on the level of the mind, and we per­ceive it on the screen of our mind with our sense of hear­ing, that is, we hear this spo­ken word inside. Only then do we pro­nounce it out­wardly with our tongue.
We all are fa­mil­iar with this sys­tem­atic proc­ess di­rected out­wardly from within, and we can ex­peri­ence it at any time.

The Silent Potential
Nev­er­the­less, fa­mil­iar as it is to us, this proc­ess con­tains a prac­ti­cal and sub­stan­tially greater po­ten­tial than is gen­er­ally as­sumed.






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