Dear fellow student interested in our course of studies,
As you could learn from the introduction, from the curriculum and from the logical path
the SUN UNIVERSITY is not a usual university limited to the first three of twenty-one possible
states of consciousness, but a scientific institution for research (COGNITION),
development (CREATIVITY) and education (HARMONY) focussing on the universal
development of universal natural knowledge (COGNITION), universal natural
creativity (CREATIVITY) and universal natural harmony (HARMONY) by applying
the natural harmony laws of the microcosm of music, that is, the harmony
laws of nature or of the Creator, in a scientific and artistic way.
That within the narrow bounds of the first three states of consciousness
such a study always has to be considered as a secret science – this
has become clear in the conversations summarized in the introduction.
However, by gaining the higher states of consciousness this impression disappears
more and more and makes way for the authentic revelation of universal knowledge.
In order to secure the success of the learning process on a long term basis
it needs some outer resources for support, as for instance the construction
of a special concert hall and stage, the participation in international symposia,
congresses and work shops in different parts and cultures of the world as
well as permanently updating the total music material but also further research
and education material.
Also using a multi-channel system in Dynamic Space Strereophony with a specially
equipped computer, special software and special multi-channel headphones
up to a special deckchair – the most individual multi-channel-concert-hall
in the world – shall help the individual student securing his universal
educational success.
In addition to this it is necessary to participate in scientific investigations
for the objective verification of the current status quo of brain performance,
so that in this way it is verified to what degree the true natural talent
develops: for instance to what degree the perceptive faculty improves, and
to what degree the performance improves in the fields of intelligence, of
feeling and of intellectual differentiation and coordination – the
improvement of consciousness, of creativity up to the improvement of the
integration of consciousness and creativity.
The intellectual-emotional processes of development connected to these studies
are embedded in the procedures verifying how much stress is reduced and for
this verification the established research methods of objective scientific
medicine are used – in this manner the status quo of health as well
as the improvement of health is established as a task of the course of study.
This incorruptible objective proof of scientific medicine regarding the reduction
of stress is the only scientific guarantor for the actual success of the
course of studies.
Next to developing consciousness and to developing the inner-human performances
connected to it, a scientific study at a future-orientated university must
also make the student more healthy: according to objective scientific criteria – for
a holistic improvement of health is just the natural expression of a universal
performance improvement in the realm of the inner-human, cosmic cognitive
and creative organs intellect, feeling and understanding as well as of the
ability to think.
Of what use are studies at a university when after the studies one does not
step into working life more healthy, or if one enters working life even as
a sick person?
A sick person enjoys nothing – neither his course of studies nor a
working life; apart form this he is strongly limited in his intellectual-emotional
performance through the sickness – any only fairly reasonable person
knows this by own experience.
All these scientific, artistic as well as medical researches and developments
serve to secure and verify the objective success of this course of studies
at the university – however, they boost the costs for the education.
For all these reasons the study is expensive.
Persons who do not have a real interest in their intellectual-emotional development
and in the personal freedom connected to it, who do not seriously aim to
fathom the sense of their own life authentically and do not aim to realize
this sense, if needs be, through a cosmic life according to the very own
law of life – that is, persons who do not strive by very own initiative
for authentic universal cognition, authentic universal creativity and authentic
universal harmony, and this according to the objective standards of modern
science: particularly of scientific medicine – such persons should
avoid this cost- and work-intensive course of studies.
There are enough universities anyway which have tailored their goals and
study courses for satisfying narrow intellectual-emotional needs, and which,
in doing so, traditionally get by with the first three states of consciousness.
Those however, who are seriously interested in an intellectual-emotional
development of eighteen further states of consciousness can fill in the following
form and apply for a university place.
By virtue of their inborn, universal qualities and abilities it is their
natural right to develop the higher states of consciousness.
After their application they will receive particulars how their study is
structured in detail.