Active & co-operative membership is applied for in writing to the acting board of trustees.
The acting board of trustees decides on the admission as an active & co-operative member.
Active & co-operative membership ceases through:
An active or co-operative member’s simple written notice of resignation
An active or co-operative member’s simple written notice of resignation
Exclusion may follow if a member:
infringes the constitutional regulations of the SUN UNIVERSITY
jeopardises the intentions, motivation and activities of the SUN UNIVERSITY
negligently contravenes the interests of the SUN UNIVERSITY
after repeated admonitions contravenes the instructions of the SUN UNIVERSITY
damages the reputation of the SUN UNIVERSITY.
infringes the constitutional regulations of the SUN UNIVERSITY
Each offence alone justifies an exclusion.
Co-operative membership ceases according to sections 3 to 5, or when health programs or projects which are a reflection of their time and/or tied to the locality have become unnecessary, and are therefore no longer carried out.
However, an active & co-operative member may also be excluded from membership, without any reasons being given, if the acting board of trustees considers this necessary for reasons of discretion or safety
(see also in particular § 14 points 3 and 4).
The acting board of trustees decides on the exclusion.
Communicative membership is applied by filling out the membership-form in the Internet and payment of the membership-fee.
- Communicative membership ceases without any reasoning through a communicative member’s simple written notice of resignation or exclusion.