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Peter Hübner
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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
PETER HUEBNER: From the fifth main state of consciousness onward the brain, which many neuroscientists so far investigate as to be the definite ideal solution, is recognised as pure “executive authority”.
“Home is not there or there.
Home is inside of you or nowhere.”
Hermann Hesse
Where it leaves that function of the “executive“ and becomes independent, respectively has to become independent as its superior authority can not come through to it anymore with its orders and/or commands or where the commands only arrive mutilated and thus lead to misinterpretations by the ‘executive’ – the brain –, there man looses some of his ‘consciousness’:
“What lays behind us
and in front of us,
is both nothing
compared to what
lays within us.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
of his inner light of cognition: of his inner happiness of life, joy of life and inner life harmony: inner vital energy and becomes therefore sick: understandably the brain fails to function normally and the other organs follow suit.
“To know others is wise.
To cognise oneself is enlightenment.”
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Then it is not the brain which is the responsible authority in charge of our health – as this is assumed by modern scientific medicine, the neurophysiologists taking the lead here?

PETER HUEBNER: Following the analysis so far: no! From the fifth main state of consciousness onward the self is recognised authentically: by own personal experience: as being responsible for our health, respectively as being in charge of it, not consciousness, not the mind and for sure not the brain.
Deep sleep should make it clear to any fairly reasonable person, that here he looses completely control over everything – next to others also over the aspect of health.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: In deep sleep one even looses the awareness of one’s own existence.
PETER HUEBNER: Right. But from the fifth state of consciousness onward we recognise by own personal experience that the self is responsible for health, or in charge of health: the light, or better: the radiation power of the cosmic sun of our self reveals itself more and more clearly to us as the secret ruler: as the motor of our health.
It is thus not by coincidence, that our ‘heathen’ ancestors, who were very skilled in higher states of consciousness, created the word ‘Gesonntheit’ = ‘sunlit’ for that, which we still today call ‘Gesundheit’ = health so half-heartedly and mentally blind in our time so degenerated in terms of consciousness – also in science.  
“It is easier
to get as far as Mars
than to oneself.”
Carl Gustav Jung
“He is not a physician,
who does not know the invisible,
which has no name,
no matter
and yet its effect.”
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: These insights mess up modern scientific medicine completely!
The entire aspect of health has to be reopened completely – if modern medicine wants to keep up with the insights in the field of consciousness research.
“A really good idea one recognises by the fact,
that its realisation
seems to be impossible from the very first.”
Albert Einstein
PETER HUEBNER: But in practice this does not have to disturb us, for also here practice precedes theory. For our health only developing higher states of consciousness is important – whether this is under investigation of some – generally mediocre – scientists or not, does not have any influence on our health. After all, the scientists are not the inventors of health and they cannot become it anymore either.

GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: But still the scientists have to find out the facts about it – if one only considers the damage produced by wrong treatment and the harmful side effects of the chemical preparations of pharmaceutics. All these are worlds apart from such insights and considerations!
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
RRR 102 Harmony
RRR 147
RRR 101
RRR 940
RRR 941

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.