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The Loss of Musical Sovereignty over the World of
Human Happiness

Because the mechanism of inner mastery over the realm of
human happiness

5. 7, 8, 6. 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 10. 17, 18, 15. 25, 16. 26, 17. 29, 30
7, 8, 15
6, 9, 16
4, 11, 18
5, 10, 17
5. 9, 6. 10, 11, 7. 12, 8. 13, 9. 14, 15, 10. 16, 15. 25, 16. 26, 27, 17. 28
1.-3. 2, 3, 11. 21, 12.-14. 22, 23, 18. 33, 19.-21. 34, 35
1.-3. 1, 2, 12.-14. 23, 24, 19.-21. 35, 36

had vanished from day-to-day life in the past, man became used to pretend that external fulfilment of desires and a materialistic life style were the most important matters for the individual. 1-3

Thus, correspondingly, also in music the outer analysis of the composition, the outer instrumental structuring of the tone, and the outer ceremony of musical performance gained ever greater public importance, culminating in high material rewards for the superficial “interpreters.”